Well, I have to admit, this is feeling pretty silly, but hey, this blog is really for me, and Megersa (some day he'll be able to read it all and actually prove that his Mother is a crazy lady, and the best way she knows to help pass the time is to blog about random stuff - which is true, so I won't blame him).
So, as promised, here is Part 3 of the Katie info:
My quirks/pet peeves?~Sorry babe, but this one is all about you - SNORING! Actually, Tim doesn't even snore...anymore. (I made him go to an ENT doctor, and they found out he had basically no breathing room in his nose, which was causing the open-mouthed snores!) So because of the habit Tim formed breathing out of his mouth for, oh, 20+ years of his life, he still does it...and I just can't sleep when there is any sort of unfamiliar noise.
~Yikes, that brings us to my sleeping habits:
They're bizarre...be warned.
I have to have 4 pillows. 2 big, 2 small. It initially started with one pillow under my head. Then I added one under my legs (for support)...then during pregnancy I added 2 pillows to both sides of me for comfort...and now I need all 4.
But that's not all. Because Tim sometimes gets loud at night, I started putting a small baby blanket, folded up over my face/ears.
It also needs to be COMPLETELY dark for me to sleep.
((Growing up my mom called me a vampire. ha ha.))
So, where are we? 4 pillows, the blanket on my face...I need my sheet (no sharing for me!) covering my toes up to my lip. And a fan on for 'white noise'.
That's all. It's normal, right?
Not convinced? Check out the picture below and then make a decision! ;)
I am actually in that bed. Can you see the inch of my face that is uncovered? This is actually how I sleep! :)
Other interesting tidbits about me:
((Sleeping situation weird enough for you?...it gets weirder))
Try to relate to this song:
"How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad,
Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad,
I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral,
Can't understand what I mean?
Well, you soon will".... You've heard this song right? I can relate to this singer on a smaller level. I have a nervous energy about me when I'm hearing or telling bad/sad news.
It's TERRIBLY awkward! I just sit there and smile...and stifle laughter like a goofball! I don't know why either! It's horrible... (But, even now, I'm starting to giggle thinking of the uncomfortable situations that have happened because of this quirk!! AHH!! :) ((And I do have stories, but I shouldn't share them for fear of shame!))
So, moving right along -
~I have had 5 surgeries.
1st, in 1994, I had brain surgery. I was 14. 9th grade. A great time for someone to shave your head right? WRONG! :)
I had a tumor in my cerebellum. I started complaining of headaches at age 11. By age 14 they had gotten so bad, I had a headache every day, pretty much all day. Usually I would wake up with a headache, but one night I woke up BECAUSE of the headache. I was shaking uncontrollably, then started dry-heaving.
We went to the hospital for a CT scan (which hadn't been ordered up till this point) and it revealed I had a "life-threatening tumor the size of a golf ball, in my cerebellum." I found this out on a Friday morning, and my surgery was scheduled for that Tuesday.
The recovery took awhile, but I do not experience headaches to that degree anymore. Many people have asked me if it's likely I'll get another...the answer is no, it is not likely. The surgeon's chipped a chunk of my skull out, and I have no plate, but I do sport an awesome scar running from the bottom of my neck to the crest of my head.
2nd, I had surgery to take my wisdom teeth out. I'm pretty sure I was 17 at the time. (I know it's not that big of a deal, but they DO put you under, so it counts, right?)
3rd, Age 21...I had to get my broken nose re-set. I got into a car accident the year that Tim and I got married. I was running late for nursing class, wasn't wearing my seat-belt, going too fast, and fishtailed on black ice. I went head-first into a ditch and smacked my face on the windshield (almost went through) and ended up in the seat next to me. I broke my nose in 2 places and got 8 stitches in my chin. I walked around for weeks looking like I had been beaten up. No fun.
4th, in 2007, I had a C-section. Best surgery! Weird statement, I know! But, I got to meet Cale when it was over. (And to be honest, it wasn't as bad as I was told it would be.) I was 23.
5th, 2009, a D&C...after my miscarriage. This was the worst. Even though I know one day I will meet my baby in Heaven, the whole surgery felt wrong. I was 25.
~Lastly, I like to hear myself think. Can you do this? Well, you CAN if you write it out, and then edit it till it sounds perfect...to you anyway! I feel so much better sometimes when I put my thoughts/feelings into words.
I'm sure it's not surprising that I like to blab on and on....